extending ril/rilgsm

This is an attempt to extend the functionality of a devicedriver at runtime. by adding new ioctls to rilgsm.dll. you can browse the source files here
it only works with the rilgsm.dll of 2002-12-27 16:25, 208466 bytes with md5sum of 393dc76613321fecaf0f1f40ad73b336 that can be found in most radio updates

It doesn't work

unfortunately it does not work yet.
I tried to add ril ioctl functions to the rilgsm.dll, by patching a jump in ram to my extension dll for a specific version of rilgsm.dll.
all code seems to execute at the expected moments.
just the result never arrives in my test application.
any ideas?
contains code that inserts the hook in rilgsm.dll
contains the code to be executed for our ioctl.
inserts the extendril.dll hook in the device.exe process memory
small assembler stub, that calls our ioctl
program to test it all

example output


starting test
NOT: 00800002  01 00 00 00
RIL_DevSpecific: 00000050
RES: 00000001 00000050
RIL_DevSpecific: 80004005
RIL_GetCellBroadcastMsgConfig: 00000051
RES: 00000001 00000051  10 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 ff ff 01 00 00 00 00 00
RIL_GetCurrentAddressId: 00000052
RES: 00000001 00000052  00 00 00 00
RIL_GetEquipmentInfo: 00000053
RES: 00000001 00000053  08 02 00 00 0f 00 00 00 48 54 43 00 ....
RIL_GetSubscriberNumbers: 00000054
RES: 00000001 00000054
ioctl(adef65ba, 03000800) : res=00000055 nret=00000004
test done


injectdll(8dfe1796 \Windows\extendril.dll)
  openprocess: 8dfe1796
  km=00000001 perm=00800001
  LocalAllocInProcess : 06097998
  MapPtrUnsecure : 3010318c
  callback done


hook dllmain(8d947148, 00000001, 00000000)
valid rilgsm signature found at 00951da4
writing to memory 00951da4
done: 00951da4:e59f3000 e1a0f003 007b1700
Hook installed 1
Handle_My_RILIoctl(00093f00): hr=00000001 res=00000055
response=00093638 ppdata=0009321c plen=00093220

*ppdata= 00000000
*plen= 00000000