see also this wiki page

This is a description of all bootloader commands found in the xda-2 bootloader. you can enter bootloader mode by resetting the device while holding down the powerbutton plus the navigator button.

in recent bootloader versions most help has been removed. the password for the 'password' command is 'BOOTLOADER'. but I have not really found anything that needs it.

flashing commands

special handling is implemented for address ranges
emulates memory mapped to GSM ROM.
only for 'd2s', 'lnb', and sd-card boot.
pagesize for flashing the gsm is 32k
emulates memory mapped DiskOnChip data
80000000-90000000, a0000000-b0000000
flashing to / reading from ROM
flashing needs 'erase' command in advance
erase always occurs in 256k size blocks
pagesize for flashing the cerom is 256k
90000000-a0000000, b0000000-c0000000
writing to / reading from RAM
note about the gsm rom: the first 64k contains the bootloader, the top 128k contain the gsm flash filesystem. ( and is never flashed by the bootloader, all addresses above 3M are off limits to bootloader flashing. ) the pagesize for some parts of the flash filesystem is 4k ( in stead of 32k ) there is a large empty gap from 0x25ba74 - 0x3e0000.

command usage


 r [[register] [[=] [hex_value]]]

 Display(r0-r15)/Set registers(r9-r11 only) value(s).

  When no register is given, all the registers' content are displayed.
  When only a register name is given, the content of that register is 
  If the optional value is also given, the register's content is set to
    the new value.
  '=' sign is always ignored.

usage_cmd_mb = sub_9004BEB0(1)
usage_cmd_mh = sub_9004BEB0(2)
usage_cmd_mw = sub_9004BEB0(4)

 m{bhw} [StartAddr [Count [Filler]]]

 Display/Set memory content.

  StartAddr can be either a hex_address or a register name
  When StartAddr is not given, memory display continues from the 
    previous address.
  When Count is not given, previous Count is used for memory display
    Count is initially set to 20 (hex).
  If Filler is specified, the memory area is filled with Filler.
** Panic:  Internal error (memory display help)
  Memory will be displayed/counted as words

usage_cmd_l = sub_9004C74C(1)

 l [path_name [startAddr offset ["cp"]]]

 Download BIN file across from serial/USB port.
 Startaddr offset(MSB bit is a sign bit): Start address offset of every packet in bin file.
  When 'cp' is given, it will just compare data of file with ROM image.
  When path_name is not given, the file to be downloaded is determined
    by ppfs on the host.
  Otherwise, path_name on the host is downloaded regardless the ppfs setting.
  The file must be in the format of BIN (preprocessed SRE).

  The code is auto-launched once downloaded.
  Auto-launched is disabled after downloading.


 h [command] [full]

  Helps on command.

  When no command is given, output a list of normal commands.
  If "full" option used, display all commands(need password enable).
  But if one command is given, It will show the command usage method.


 s StartAddr Count Pattern...

 Search Memory for pattern.

  StartAddr can be either a hex_address or a register name
  The starting address MUST be in valid unmapped space.
  The monitor does not validate this address.

  Count and StartAddr defines a search region
  Patterns can be hex numbers or double quoted strings
  A hex number with less than three digits is considered a byte
  A hex number with less than fice digits but greater than two digits
    is consider a half-word
  Otherwise a hex number must contain less than 9 digits and is considered
    a word
  Up to 8 Patterns can be given in the command line
  They are concatenated as a single search pattern.


 ew Addr 
Addr:hex memory address 


 ppdl [startAddr offset["cp"]]
 Startaddr offset(MSB bit is a sign bit):: Start address offset of every packet in bin file.
 If [cp] is not given: Download the BIN file that assigned by PPSH command line.

 If [cp] is given: for comparing image difference between
 download file and data of flash ROM.
 If parameter is given but not 'cp': Show message when downloading.

 This download is via parallel port



 Display virtual address mapping table


 cp reg# OPC_2 CRm [value]

Access coprocessor(cp15 only) registers


 lnb nb-file [StartAddr [Length [SkipOffset ["cp"]]]] 

Download nb file to ROM.
StartAddr : Start address for downloading(default=80000000).
Length : Length for downloading(default=FFFFFFFF).
SkipOffset : SkipOffset for downloading(default=00040000).
cp : Compare image with file data only.


 d2s [StartAddr [Len [Type [Append[SkipStartAddr SkipLen]]]]]
Backup memory to storage.
StartAddr : Start address for backup(0xA0040000).
Len : Length of memory will be backup. And if not given value, it will be
Total ROM size on board - ((StartAddress & 0x0FFFFFFF) - (ROM base address(0) & 0x0FFFFFFF)).
Type : Which storage(cf/sd) type will be selected(cf).
Append : Backup methods(a/).
SkipStartAddr : Start address of skip area(0x0).
SkipLen : Skip length(0x0).
Skip area must be less than or equal to one block size of flash.
Skip area must not over two blocks, must inside one block.
Nand flash: Skip area size need be page boundary.
Nor flash: Skip area size need be DWORD boundary.


Restore memory from storage.


 stress count(Hex)
for stress test
write six kind of patterns to flash each count
count indicates how many loop times do you want to run
count inputed is considered as heximal, not decimal. 


 shmsg [Row [Col ["String"]]] 

Show texts on display.
Row(hex) : 0 - 17(11).
Col(hex) : 0 - 12(C).
Text String : The string which will be show on display.


 set [Type [Value]] 

Set control flags.
Type(hex) : Control function types.
Value(hex) : Setting values for types.
If value is not given, default is 0.

Type 0(Echo on/off): 1(on) and 0(off).
Type 1(Operation mode): 1(auto) and 0(user).
Type 2(Back color on/off): 1(on) and 0(off).
Type 3(Inverse on/off): 1(on) and 0(off).
Type 4(Front color value): 16 bits data
Type 5(Background color value): 16 bits data
Type 6(Set color of screen): Fill color to whole screen one time.
Type 8(COMM queue flag): 0(TX_RX disable),1(RX enable),2(TX enable) and 3(TX_RX enable).

Current flag settings:


 task [Type [Value [Value1]]] 
Type,Value and Value1 are both DWORD(hex).
Value and Value1 are ignore in some case.
Type(hex) 0: Do hardware clear boot.
Type(hex) 7: Do flash ROM lock/unlock and [value]: 1(lock) and 0(unlock).


 rbmc [FileName [StartAddr [Len]]] 

Read back the memory content from the specified address to the host 
and save the data to specified file name.
FileName : Full file path for save data of memory(default=c:\temp\Mem.nb).
StartAddr : Start address of memory(default(hex)=A0000000).
Len : How many bytes will be read. And if not given value, it will be
Total ROM size on board - ((StartAddress & 0x0FFFFFFF) - (ROM base address(0) & 0x0FFFFFFF)).


 erase [StartAddr [Len]] 

Erase the contain of flash ROM.
StartAddr : Start address of ROM(default(hex)=a0040000).
Len : How many bytes will be erased(default(hex)=40000). 


 checksum [StartAddr [Len]] 

Return CRC checksum of memory.
StartAddr : Start address of ROM(default(hex)=A0000000).
Len : How many bytes will be calculated.
default(hex) = ROM total size - ((dwStartAddress & 0x0FFFFFFF) - (ROM_BASE & 0x0FFFFFFF))
In user mode: Show 4 bytes of CRC checksum value on display of terminal.
In auto mode: Send 4 bytes of CRC checksum value to terminal with data format.


 wdata [StartAddr [Len]] 

Write data to memory(if write to ROM, need erase first).
StartAddr : Start address of memory(default(hex)=B00B0000).
Len : How many bytes will be written(default(hex)=40). 
Length must not more than 0x20000 bytes(buffer limitation).
Write to RAM: 4 bytes(CRC checksum limitation).
              1 byte(in user mode).
Write to ROM: 4 bytes(CRC checksum limitation).
              2(16-bit)/4(32-bit) bytes(in user mode).
Write to ROM(16-bit data bus): 32 bytes(writebuffer mode).
Write to ROM(32-bit data bus): 64 bytes(writebuffer mode).
Length must be 4 bytes boundary(CRC checksum) if not in user mode.

After command execute, then send out the data to terminal.
Data format: HTCS(4 bytes)+DATA+checksum(4 bytes, if not in user mode)+HTCE(4 bytes).


 info [Type [Value]] 
Type(hex) 0: Get platform name(16 bytes) and [value](hex) is ignore.
Type(hex) 1: Get bootloader version(16 bytes) and [value](hex) is ignore.


 password [string]

Enter the password string to enable full help and command functions.


 prouter [PortID1[Baud1[PortID2[Baud2]]]]

Port Router: Construct data path between two ports.
PortID1: PortID1 number(default=6).
Baud1: Baud rate1 select(default=5).
PortID2: PortID2 number(default=0).
Baud2: Baud rate2 select(default=5).

Baud Rate: 1(9600),2(19200),3(38400),4(57600),5(115200),6(230400),7(460800) and 8(921600).


 rroute [UART Path1[Baud Rate1[UART Path2[Baud Rate2]]]]

UART Router: Construct data path between Radio and Terminal.
UART Path1: UART path1 number(default=1).
UART Path2: UART path2 number(default=2).
Baud Rate1: Baud rate1 select(default=5).
Baud Rate2: Baud rate2 select(default=5).

UART Path: 1(FFUART) and 2(STUART).
Baud Rate: 1(9600),2(19200),3(38400),4(57600) and 5(115200).


 rtask [Type [Value]] 
Type(hex) 0: Reset radio and [value](hex) is ignore.
Type(hex) 1: Turn on radio, lease use type 3 and 4 instead.
Type(hex) 2: Turn off radio and [value](hex) is ignore.
Type(hex) 3: Run radio image and [value](hex) is ignore.
Type(hex) 4: Run radio bootloader and [value](hex) is ignore.
Type(hex) 5: GSM code Burn In (19200).
Type(hex) 6: GSM code Burn In (115200).
Type(hex) 7: Radio AT Command Debug.
Type(hex) 8: GSM trace route.

example how to flash the extended rom and radio Simultaneously

first copy the first 3 M of the radio to sd:

d2s 60000000 00300000

   SD:Waiting for card insert.........
   CMD3 for SD, it's OK, ready to get RCA from response.
   SD:Detected one card
   SD:ready for transfer OK
   Total card size=1D30000ze=0
   Store image to SD/MMC card successful.
and now append the extended rom to the sd card:

d2s 70080000 01000000 sd a

   SD:Waiting for card insert.........
   CMD3 for SD, it's OK, ready to get RCA from response.
   SD:Detected one card
   SD:ready for transfer OK
   Total card size=1D30000ze=0
   Store image to SD/MMC card successful.
then when you insert the sdcard, and then boot into bootloader mode, the following happens: on the display, you see a message 'sections=2', and 'press power to flash'. after pressing the power button, you see the following output on the serial port:

Flash ROM mapping total size = 2000000
Flash ID = 89,8802
Trumbull INTEL StrataFlash 128 Mbit MEMORY (K3/k18) found
dwROMTotalSize = 2000000
wTotalChip = 2

HTC Integrated Re-Flash Utility for bootloader Version:1.29  HIMALAYAS PVT version:1.02
MainBoardID = 4
Built at: Sep 24 2003 18:17:06
Copyright (c) 1998-2002 High Tech Computer Corporation

Turbo Mode Frequency = 398 MHz
Run Mode Frequency = 199 MHz
Memory Frequency = 100 MHz
SDRAM Frequency = 100 MHz
LCD Power ON!
ATI Chip Id=0x56441002 
SD:Waiting for card insert.........
CMD3 for SD, it's OK, ready to get RCA from response.
SD:Detected one card
SD:ready for transfer OK
Total card size=1D30000ze=0
Radio flash Updating...
SD/MMC download to ROM is successful!
DOC flash Updating...
SD/MMC download to ROM is successful!
now both the radio and extended rom are upgraded!

himalaya sdcard layout

00000-00010"HIMALAYAS "
00020-00180??? random data ???
00180-0019cfirst section header
0019c ... followed by data
... 2nd section header
... followed by data
... ...
end "HTCE"
not sure if the randomdata is some kind of signature, or hash.

the section header:

04-0cstart in hex
0c-14length in hex
14-1c??? checksum ???
not sure what kind of checksum is used.