decoding the updater file format

00000000: "ETEN"
00000004: 0000017f
   1 : OS
   2 : BL Bootloader
   4 : UD USBDownloader
   8 : KN Knight
  10 : EB IPL
  20 : Logo
 100 : gsm 
00000008: l=03962000  x1.dat  osimage,  every 512 bytes, 8 byte extra
        -> removes this, resulting in x1a.dat
    00000000  bootsplash
    00007e00  ? data + serial nrs ?
    00008000  DCD 0x25   :  37 files, see
    00008004:  00000386 ADATA.OVT
    00008492:  000001c8 BLU.BT
    00008762:  00003e50 CabExtracter.exe
    0000c6ba:  00001650 CheckState.exe
    0000de12:  00000437 default.htm
    0000e351:  00003250 GainFileDetector.exe
    000116a9:  00000548 oem.gif
    00011cf9:  000005e2 oem.htm
    000123e3:  0000f9e7 oem.tsk
    00021ed2:  00002a62 oem.xml
    00024a3c:  00002a30 oem.xml.bak
    00027574:  00000a72 oem_logo.gif
    000280ee:  0003ca38 PREI_AddRingtone.AllLan.CAB
    00064c2e:  00013b4c PREI_AUDIO_PATCH.CAB
    00078882:  00016852 PREI_BatteryMeter.CAB
    0008f1dc:  0000ac04 PREI_BatteryPatch.CAB
    00099ee8:  000b9fe4 PREI_BirthdayReminder.CAB
    00153fd4:  0006cb6b PREI_BkupRsto.3.2.AllLan.CAB
    001c0c47:  001b3681 PREI_CVC.CAB
    003743d0:  001f0df2 PREI_EtMergeEx_ENG.CAB
    005652ca:  002152ff PREI_EtPhone_ENG_Orange.CAB
    0077a6d1:  0004e986 PREI_GPRSWIZARD.ENG.CAB
    007c915f:  0002774f PREI_GPS_Viewer.CAB
    007f09b6:  00058982 PREI_ImageWizard.mui.CAB
    00849440:  0004c7cc
    00895d14:  00026143 PREI_LocationSMS.CAB
    008bbf5f:  0005bbb7 PREI_MDesk.CAB
    00917c1e:  00078fa2 PREI_MultimediaManager.AllLan.CAB
    00990cc8:  0003db6d PREI_SatelliteDataUpdate.1.0.AllLan.CAB
    009ce93d:  000c9e04 PREI_ScreenKB_ENG.PPC2003_ARM.CAB
    00a98849:  000320e5 PREI_SIMManager.mui.CAB
    00acaa36:  00040a7f PREI_SkinChanger_ENG.CAB
    00b0b5bd:  0003c9fa PREI_Skype_Setting_ENG.CAB
    00b480bf:  0004e6e5 PREI_SpeedDial.CAB
    00b968ac:  00050438 PREI_ZtQuickLink.2.0.AllLan.CAB
    00be6dec:  000005c0 wwe.bat
    00be74b4:  000005c5 wwe.bat.bak

    00be7b81  empty, filled with 0xff
    01400000  partition table
    01400200  msflsh50  header
        +08  : reserved block flag
        +1c  : nr of reserved blocks  : 0xA0
    01400400    1st compressed xip image
    01520000    2nd compressed xip image
    016c0000  IMGFS
    033d4510  empty, filled with 0xff
    03740000  empty fat32 image

0000000c: BL_size l=00004000  x2.dat  BOOTER_X500_02_LB_01_03
00000010: UD_size l=00013800  x3.dat  USBDL_X500_03_LB_01_18
00000014: KN_size l=0002d800  x4.dat  KNIGHT_M700_05_LB_02_19
00000018: EB_size l=00020000  x5.dat  IPL_X500_01_LB_01_04  ( xip format )
0000001c:   00007e00   ... not used
00000020: GSM1_size l=0001aec5  x6.dat
00000024: GSM2_size l=005c358d  x7.dat  quanta dsp code

00000028: 00000000
0000002c: 00000000
00000030: 00000000
00000034: 00000000
00000038: 000072d9   == 0F4723D0Ah  : internal flag
0000003c: 000072d9
00000040: 00002a75
00000044: 00001910
00000048: 00003f01
0000004c: ffffffff
00000050: ffffffff
00000054: ffffffff
00000058: ffffffff
0000005c: 00000001   flashtype
   1 :  LargeBlock  : 0x20000, 0x40, 0x800
   0 :  Small Block :  0x4000, 0x20, 0x200
00000060: ffffffff   version
00000064: 00000000
00000068: 00000000
0000006c: 00000000
00000070: 00000000

the '8' bytes removed by
01450200: 00000000  fffbfffd
016cc8a8: 00001395  fffbfffd   0x16CC8A8 = 0x1450200+0x208*0x01395
0171b200: 00001400  fffbffff   0x171B200 = 0x1491200+0x208*0x01400 = 0x1450200+0x208*(0x01400+0x200)
034a3b10: 0000fca2  fffbffff   0x34A3B10 = 0x1491200+0x208*0x0FCA2 = 0x1450200+0x208*(0x0FCA2+0x200)
0381d200: 00011600  fffbffff   0x381D200 = 0x14D2200+0x208*0x11600 = 0x1450200+0x208*(0x11600+0x400)
039452e0: 00011f1c  fffbffff   0x39452E0 = 0x14D2200+0x208*0x11F1C = 0x1450200+0x208*(0x11F1C+0x400)

these offsets are the boundaries of the partitions:
0x200*(0x1450200-0x200)/0x208 = 0x1400000  partitiontable
0x200*(0x16CC8A8-0x200)/0x208 = 0x1672A00
0x200*(0x171B200-0x200)/0x208 = 0x16C0000  start of imgfs
0x200*(0x34A3B10-0x200)/0x208 = 0x33D4400
0x200*(0x381D200-0x200)/0x208 = 0x3740000  start of fat32 image
0x200*(0x39452E0-0x200)/0x208 = 0x3863800
I wrote several scripts to decode and reencode this format: