improved Win32::API
I updated the Win32::API module by Aldo Calpini.
I added an option to interface with functions declared with 'cdecl', and now the module can be build with 2003.
I created a perl script to parse the sexchart, and convert it to a graphviz .dot file
module XdaDevelopers::NbfUtils, used in several of my windows ce rom package
manipulation tools.
download the source archive, if you want to install this package for cygwin perl, or any other unix based perl.
download the ppm package, for Activestate Perl
browse the source.
module XdaDevelopers::CompressUtils, used in several of my windows ce rom package
manipulation tools.
download the source archive
download the ppm package, for Activestate Perl
browse the source.
2005-9-6: v0.2: added support to decompress wm2005-LZX files via activesync.
currently the lzx support is in itsutils.dll, in the future i may separate it out in a separate dll, only to be used from this perl module.
2005-9-28: v0.3: changed wm2005 support to use local cecompr_nt.dll, no longer needing itsutils, and a working wm2005 device.
installing ppms
add my site as a repository in ppm:
repository add itsme
( note, no trailing slash after the URL )
install XdaDevelopers-NbfUtils
other perl scripts i wrote
- add
script to add columns and rows of numbers.
- base64
script to convert to/from base64
- clocks
writes the current time for several timezones.
- crc32
calculates the crc32 of a file.
- cvslog
summarizes output of 'cvs log', easier to read.
- cvsls
lists what files are in cvs.
- cvsstat
displays summary of output of 'cvs stat'
- cvsupd
summarizes the output of 'cvs update'
- findstr
searches binary for ascii/unicode string, or for binary data.
- hexedit
tool to easily patch binaries.
- im.cmd
interface to imagemagick tools.
- lstm
list all timestamps for a list of files.
- mimedecode
decode quotedprintable mime encoding
- mp3tag
tool to edit mp3 tags in many files at the same time.
- pfind
like cygwin find, but in perl.
- pgrep
grep with perl regexes
- pl2bat
script to create batchfile stubs for all my perl scripts
- pl2sh
script to create shellscript stubs for all my perl scripts
- transpose
exchanges columns and rows in a file.
- updatedb
parses output of windows 'dir /s' command, and produces easily greppable list.
- urldecode
decode urlparameters, in easily readable format.
- vcpdiff
summarizes the difference between 2 (msevc) vcp files.
- which
searches PATH for a wildcard specified file.
- x0.bat
script to remove CRLF, backslash from list of windows files, and pass them to xargs.
- xcalc
commandline expression evaluator
perl script attempting to find information on windows disk drives.
- xdu
report disk usage, derived from file produced by updatedb.
view information from headers in zip files, notes inconsistencies.
view information from header of bmp file
view information from PE headers.