each number is represented by a 32 bit integer. the fixedpoint position is not explicitly stored. ( as with floating point numbers )
r(A,nA) = A*2^-nA
here 'A' is the integer representation of real number r(A,nA) with 'nA' fractional bits.
in the next sections I assume both numbers operated upon have different fractional parts.
fixedpoint numbers are represented as a hash, with 2 elements,
64bit integers are represented as arrays of 2 numbers, first the high word, then the low word.
sub shl { my ($a, $n)= @_; return ($a<<$n) if ($n>0); return ($a>>-$n) if ($n<0); return $a; } sub shl64 { my ($a, $n)= @_; return [ ($a->[0]<<$n)|($a->[1]>>(32-$n)), ($a->[1]<<$n) ] if ($n>0); return [ ($a->[0]>>-$n), ($a->[0]<<32+$n)|($a->[1]>>-$n) ] if ($n<0); return [ $a->[0], $a->[1] ]; } sub intadd { my ($a, $b)= @_; return int($a+$b); } sub intsub { my ($a, $b)= @_; return int($a-$b); } sub intmul64 { my ($a, $b)= @_; my $prod= $a*$b; return [ int($prod/2**32), int($prod) ]; } sub intdiv64 { my ($a64, $b)= @_; return int(($a64->[0]*2**32 + $a64->[1])/$b); }here are some generic fixed point operations:
sub fxpshl { my ($a, $shift, $n)= @_; return { a=>shl($a->{a}, $shift+$n-$a->{n}), n=>$n }; } # returns msb such that 2^msb <= $nr < 2*2^msb sub GetMsb { my ($a)= @_; my $val= $a->{a}; my $shifts= 0; while($val>1) { $val >>=1; $shifts++; } return $shifts; }
sub fxpdup { my ($a, $n)= @_; return {a=>shl($a->{a}, $n-$a->{n}), n=>$n}; } sub tofxp { my ($a, $n)= @_; return {a=>rint($a*(1<<$n)), n=>$n}; } sub toval { my ($a)= @_; return $a->{a}/(1<<$a->{n}); } sub tostr { my ($a)= @_; return sprintf("%8.6f[%08lx:%2d]", toval($a), $a->{a}, $a->{n}); } sub rint { my ($a)= @_; if ($a>0) { return int($a+0.5); } elsif ($a<0) { return int($a-0.5); } else { return 0; } }
sub fxpadd { my ($a, $b, $n) = @_; if ($b->{n} > $a->{n}) { return {a=>shl( intadd(shl($a->{a}, $b->{n}-$a->{n}) , $b->{a}), $n-$b->{n}), n=>$n}; } else { return {a=>shl( intadd($a->{a} , shl($b->{a}, $a->{n}-$b->{n})), $n-$a->{n}), n=>$n}; } } sub fxpsub { my ($a, $b, $n) = @_; if ($b->{n} > $a->{n}) { return {a=>shl( intsub(shl($a->{a}, $b->{n}-$a->{n}) , $b->{a}), $n-$b->{n}), n=>$n}; } else { return {a=>shl(intsub($a->{a} , shl($b->{a}, $a->{n}-$b->{n})), $n-$a->{n}), n=>$n}; } }
sub fxpmul { my ($a, $b, $n) = @_; return {a=>shl64(intmul64($a->{a} , $b->{a}), $n-$a->{n}-$b->{n})->[1], n=>$n}; }
sub fxpdiv { my ($a, $b, $n)= @_; return {a=>intdiv64(shl64([0,$a->{a}], $n-$a->{n}+$b->{n}), $b->{a}), n=>$n}; }
the reciprocal can be approximated quickly using newton rapson to to solve 'x-1/y=0'
f(y)= x-1/y f'(y)= 1/y^2 y-f(y)/f'(y) = y-xy^2+y = y(2-x*y) y[k+1] = y[k] - f(y[k]) / f'(y[k]) y1= y *** this initial estimate is done by table lookup. y2= y1*(2-x*y1)
sub fxpnewtdiv { my ($a, $b, $n)= @_; return fxpmul($a, newtreciprocal($b, $n), $n); } # todo: write this in terms of int operations sub newtreciprocal { my ($x, $n)= @_; my $y= GetInitialEstimate($x); ## cheating here for (my $i= 0 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { $y= fxpmul($y, fxpsub(tofxp(2, $n), fxpmul($x, $y, $n), $n), $n); } return $y; } # initial estimate for reciprocal calc: use highest bit. # ( if x=2^n + 2^(n-?) + ... -> return 2^-n sub GetInitialEstimate { my ($x)= @_; my $val= toval($x); my $l2= int(log($val)/log(2)); return tofxp(2**-$l2, $x->{n}); }
sub fxpmuldiv { my ($a, $b, $n)= @_; my $msbit=GetMsb($b); my $shiftcount= $b->{n}-$msbit; my $normb= fxpshl($b, $shiftcount, $b->{n}); my $norma= fxpshl($a, $shiftcount, $a->{n}); for (1..6) { $b= fxpmul(fxpsub(tofxp(2,$n), $normb, $n), $b, $n); $a= fxpmul(fxpsub(tofxp(2,$n), $norma, $n), $a, $n); } return $a; }
a(i) = 1/(1-2^-i) , i=1... r(L,nL)= ... r(A,nA) r(A,nA)= 2^scale * prod( a(i) ) where 'scale' is such that 2<= r(A,nA)*2^-scale < 1 r(L,nL)= log(2^scale * prod( a(i) ) ) = scale*log(2) + sum( log(a(i)) ) L*2^-nL = log(A*2^-nA) = log(A)-nA*log(2)
sub fxplog { my ($a, $n)= @_; if ($a->{a}<=0) { return; } my $base= $n; # lg2 contains values [ 2*2^n .. 2^n > my @va2= map { rint(2**$base/(1-2**(-$_))) } (1..$base); unshift @va2, 0; my @lg2= map { -rint(2**$n*log(1-2**(-$_))) } (1..$base); unshift @lg2, 0; my $val= $a->{a}; # scale $a such that it is just over 2*2^n : bit (n+1) = 1 my $msb= GetMsb($a); $val = shl($val, 1+$base-$msb); my $l= -rint((1+$a->{n}-$msb)*log(2)*2**$n); #-$a->{n}; for (1..$base) { while ($val>=$va2[$_]) { $val -= ($val >> $_); $l += $lg2[$_]; } } my $res= {a=>$l, n=>$n}; return $res; }
sub fxpsqrt { my ($a, $n)= @_; # a= (a+1)/2 - initial estimate my $sqrt= fxpshl(fxpadd($a, tofxp(1,$n), $n), -1, $n); for (0..7) { $sqrt= fxpshl(fxpadd($sqrt, fxpdiv($a, $sqrt, $n), $n), -1, $n); } return $sqrt; }
sub fxpexp { my ($a, $n)= @_; my @fact= (1); push @fact, $fact[-1]*$_ for (1..8); my @fxfact= map { tofxp($_, $n) } @fact; my $result= tofxp(1, $n); my $xn= fxpdup($a, $n); for (1..8) { $result= fxpadd($result, fxpdiv($xn, $fxfact[$_], $n), $n); $xn= fxpmul($xn, $a, $n); } return $result; }
# pow can be implemented as follows: # # # a^sum(2^b(i)) = prod ( a^(2^b(i)) ) # # res= 1; # aa= a; # for (i=fixedpoint ; i<32 ; i++) # { # if (b&bit(i)) # { # res *= aa; # } # aa *= aa; # } # aa= sqrt(a); # for (i=fixedpoint-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) # { # if (b&bit(i)) # { # res *= aa; # } # aa = sqrt(aa); # } # # # a^b can then be implemented as exp2(b*log2(a)) #
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