database definition

the database consists of tables, which contain fields, and relations to other tables.

fields be of these types:

a primary key is always added implicitly, and named 'id'. all references to other tables have <tablename>+'id' in their name, optionally preceeded by a name clarifying the type of relation. relations can be of these types: queries can be formulated as follows: ( each querie has a resulttable property, which dictates which table the results should be from ) example database layout:
  srcT.idF   = "pk"     [ implicit field ]
  srcT.srcF = "string"
  srcT.enum1IdF = "enum.enumT"
  srcT.enum2IdF = "enum.enumT"
  srcT.list1F = "list.listdstT.back1IdF"
  srcT.list2F = "list.listdstT.back2IdF"
  srcT.set1F = "set.link1T"
  srcT.set2F = "set.link2T"

  enumT.idF = "pk"     [ implicit field ]
  enumT.enF = "string"

  listdstT.idF = "pk"     [ implicit field ]
  listdstT.back1IdF = "enum.srcT"
  listdstT.back2IdF = "enum.srcT"
  listdstT.lsF = "string"

  link1T.srcIdF = "enum.srcT"
  link1T.dstIdF = "enum.dstT"

  link2T.srcIdF = "enum.srcT"
  link2T.dstIdF = "enum.dstT"

  dstT.idF = "pk"     [ implicit field ]
  dstT.setF = "string"
not yet sure how to call the 'enum' field. enum sort of implies a short limited number of values, while actually this may also be something like a userid. maybe I should call it reference. or just plain 'foreigh key' / 'fk'.

several combinations are possible:

    where srcF='src1'
left join listDstT j1 on j1.back1IdF=j0.idF and j1.lsF='list1'
    where not j1.back1IdF is NULL
left join enumT j1 on j1.idF=j0.enum1IdF and j1.enF='group1'
    where not j1.idF is NULL
left join enumT j1 on j1.idF=j0.enum1IdF and j1.enF='group1'
    where j1.idF is NULL
left join (link1T j1  join dstT j2 on j1.dstIdF=j2.idF and j2.setF='set1')
       on j1.srcIdF=j0.idF
    where not j1.srcIdF is NULL
set1F.setF==[list] (exact list match)
left join (link1T j1  join dstT j2 on j1.dstIdF=j2.idF and j2.setF in (list) )
         on j1.srcIdF=j0.idF
     left join (link1T j3  joie dstT j4 on j3.dstIdF=j4.idF and j4.setF in (list) )
         on j3.srcIdF=j0.idF
     where not j1.srcIdf is null and j3.srcIdF is null
     group by j0.IdF having count(*) = sizeof(list)
left join (group1T j1 join (group2T j2 join (group3T j3) on j3.idF=j2.enum3IdF and  and j3.enF='val') on j2.idF=j1.enum2IdF) on j1.idF=j0.enum1IdF
    where not j1.idF is NULL
complex example : group.groupname==['Guests'] or group.groupname==['Admins']
( with basetable 'user' - returning userid of users who are in only one group
*** the group by should be put in a subquery which is joined.
table user
   username string

table group
   groupname string
   users    set.usergroup.user

[implicit table 'usergroup']
    select from user j0
    left join (
    select j0.userid from usergroup_set j0
      left join group j1
        on and j1.groupname in ('Guests')
      left join group j2
        on and not j2.groupname in ('Guests')
    where not is null and is null
    group by j0.userid having count(*)=1
    ) j1 on
    left join (
    select j0.userid from usergroup_set j0
      left join group j1
        on and j1.groupname in ('Admins')
      left join group j2
        on and not j2.groupname in ('Admins')
    where not is null and is null
    group by j0.userid having count(*)=1
    ) j2 on
    where not j1.userid is null or not j2.userid is null