improved Win32::API

I updated the Win32::API module by Aldo Calpini. I added an option to interface with functions declared with 'cdecl', and now the module can be build with 2003.



I created a perl script to parse the sexchart, and convert it to a graphviz .dot file



module XdaDevelopers::NbfUtils, used in several of my windows ce rom package manipulation tools.
  • download the source archive, if you want to install this package for cygwin perl, or any other unix based perl.
  • download the ppm package, for Activestate Perl
  • browse the source.


    module XdaDevelopers::CompressUtils, used in several of my windows ce rom package manipulation tools.
  • download the source archive
  • download the ppm package, for Activestate Perl
  • browse the source.


    2005-9-6: v0.2: added support to decompress wm2005-LZX files via activesync.
    currently the lzx support is in itsutils.dll, in the future i may separate it out in a separate dll, only to be used from this perl module.
    2005-9-28: v0.3: changed wm2005 support to use local cecompr_nt.dll, no longer needing itsutils, and a working wm2005 device.

    installing ppms

    add my site as a repository in ppm:
    repository add itsme
    ( note, no trailing slash after the URL ) then:
    install XdaDevelopers-NbfUtils

    other perl scripts i wrote