
rotation centerpieces
v rbRB V a b c -> C A b
counterclockwise rotation of centerpieces
back and front will be flipped
corners are scrambled too.
v brBR V a b c -> B c A
clockwise rotation of centerpieces
right and front will be flipped
corners are scrambled too.
cube flip left and right centerpieces garbling corners
  1. apply v-rbRB-V
  2. rotate cube clockwise once
  3. apply v-brBR-V
  4. rotate cube clockwise once
  5. apply v-rbRB-V
cube flip front and left centerpieces garbling corners
  1. apply v-rbRB-V
  2. rotate cube clockwise twice
  3. apply v-rbRB-V
  4. rotate cube clockwise once
  5. apply v-brBR-V
cube rotate left/front/right centerpieces clockwise garbling corners
  1. apply v-rbRB-V
  2. rotate cube clockwise twice
  3. apply v-rbRB-V
  4. rotate cube counterclockwise once
  5. apply v-rbRB-V
cube rotate left/front/right centerpieces counterclockwise garbling corners
  1. apply v-rbRB-V
  2. rotate cube clockwise once
  3. apply v-rbRB-V
  4. rotate cube counterclockwise once
  5. apply v-brBR-V
megaminx flip front and right centerpieces garbling corners
  1. apply v-brBR-V
  2. rotate cube clockwise twice
  3. apply v-brBR-V
  4. rotate cube counterclockwise twice
  5. apply v-rbRB-V
  6. rotate cube counterclockwise twice
  7. apply v-rbRB-V
megaminx rotate front/left/back centerpieces counterclockwise garbling corners
  1. apply v-brBR-V
  2. rotate cube clockwise twice
  3. apply v-rbRB-V
  4. rotate cube counterclockwise twice
  5. apply v-rbRB-V
rotation cornerpieces
rbRB L brBR l c d e -> e- c d+
counterclockwise rotation of cornerpieces
brBR L rbRB l c d e -> e+ c+ d+
counterclockwise rotation of cornerpieces
all pieces will be rotated clockwise by them selves
L rbRB l brBR c d e -> d e- c+
clockwise rotation of cornerpieces
L brBR l rbRB c d e -> d- e- c-
clockwise rotation of cornerpieces
all pieces will be rotated counterclockwise by them selves