looking inside ida

ida-dbdump-080509.zip is a ida plugin which dumps several internal ida structs.
I wrote it as an investigation into extending the IDC script language.

older versions:

interesting finds

these internal idc functions are not documented in the idc.idc file:
GetVxdFuncName(long, long)
these functions seem to be used in combination with xslt scripts, to do UI things.
_lpoke(long, long)
_poke(long, long)
allows you to modify memory in the IDA process space
allows you to look at memory in the IDA process space
allows you to call functions in the IDA process space
returns the current time.
I also found that there are several predefined compiled script functions:
{ _call(fnid); return 0x111; }
_expr() OR _expr0()
I assume this is used to evaluate expression entered in various input boxes.
_idc() OR _idc0()
this name is used for the contents of the shift-f2 - manual script contents.
note: in ida5.2 this was changed to _idc0
this name is used for the contents of the idc commandline